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General Information

  • Triple S is a group style "church camp", not an individual "summer camp". Each group is responsible for bringing their own counselors and chaperones for the cabins. If you wish to attend please visit our registration page to see availability and get your group registered! Feel free to contact us with any questions you may have. Weeks fill up quickly! 
  • Each group must pay a non-refundable $75 church registration, a $15/person pre-registration payment, as well as an information form filled out (online or mail-in). Your $15/person pre-registration payment will be deducted from your total cost of $190/person. Price will go up to $210/person if pre-registration is paid after March 1st.   
  • Our camper age is 9-19yrs. We discourage bringing underage children if at all possible but know that it is sometimes necessary. Underage children are full-price and only permitted to come if they are accompanied by a parent/guardian. All underage children that are 2+ years must stay in their group’s cabin of the same sex, with their parent/guardian. We can also not always accommodate pack-n-plays or extra baby equipment in the cabins due to space, safety, and insurance regulations. If you have any questions please contact us in advance to avoid confusion and unexpected cost.
  • We require a background check for everyone 18yrs and older. You may provide your own or contact us to have one run. 
  • When you arrive and complete your registration you will need to have a Personal Form filled out and signed for EVERYONE in attendance, desired activity waivers filled out and signed, and a group form of payment (check, cash, or card) to complete your registration (no personal checks from individuals please).   
  • Arrival on Monday: We do not serve lunch on Monday and request that registered groups not arrive before 1pm without contacting us prior to arrival. The first available scheduled Monday activities are swim time for girls at 2:00pm and boys swim time at 3:00pm (these are not required activities). 
  • Orientation will be at 5pm Monday night...everyone is required to attend. 
  • Departure on Friday: Camp officially ends Friday morning after devotions and breakfast. We ask that your cabins be cleaned and your assigned jobs for the week be completed before leaving).


We ask for all dress to be modest and appropriate, and to not include pop culture references, vulgarity etc. Triple S reserves the right for our staff to ask anybody, at anytime, to go change for any reason.
  •  Girls: All dresses, skirts, and culottes should be knee length (reaching the knee while standing and sitting) and loose fitting. Tops should have a high enough neckline to where no cleavage is shown at any time. No midriff when arms are raised. No shorts, pants, capris and sleeveless dresses or tops. If an item is sheer the clothing underneath should meet dress code. No undergarments should be visible at any time. No two-piece swimwear unless it meets in the middle (other swimwear may be worn with a long dark shirt on top), and all private areas and midriff must be covered by swimwear. Camp approved clothing must be worn to and from the pool (no white shirts).
  •  Boys: Must wear loose fitting pants and shirt at all times. No “skinny”or tight pants. Pants should be worn at the waist and not sagging…underwear or midriff should not be seen. No shorts except while swimming. You must wear pants and a shirt to and from the pool (no white shirts). We ask that boys not wear jewelry except for rings. If you wish to participate in the preacher boys session, please bring a collared shirt to wear and have hair cut off of the ears and collar.
Triple S has a no touch rule for members of the opposite sex that is to be maintained at all times. A male and female should never be alone or in an unlit area with each other at any time. Respect and purity should be shown to each other.
  • No alcohol, smoking, tobacco products, vaping, or recreational drugs of any kind are permitted on the property. Necessary medications should be administered under the supervision of a counselor. 
  • No headphones, earbuds, tablets, computers, or video games....they will be confiscated if discovered. 
  • No secular magazines, books, or literature of any kind.
  • No weapons are permitted- including pocket knives. 
  • We highly encourage campers to leave their cell phones at home but leave this up to individual group leadership. Any phones that are brought by campers should only be used to call home during free time with the permission of a counselor. The office phone may be used to call home with the accompaniment of a counselor. No phones are allowed to be out during services. No phones at the pool. No pictures or videos should be taken in the cabins, shower houses, or pool area by anyone at any time. 

All attendees 18 years old and older are required to provide a passed background check at final registration. You may use our background check service ($10/applicant) if you desire to do so, please contact us for information. 

Parents and Church Leadership, thank you for sending your youth to Triple “S” Christian Ranch! We promise to do everything in our power to see that they are safe and well cared for while they’re with us. Please make sure that all those attending understand and agree to abide by the rules while at Triple S. The breaking of camp rules can lead to being sent home at your expense. We love youth and want to help and minister to them!

Payment Info





  • Church Registration$75.00 per church. Registration for any additional weeks will only be $25.00 but will require a second registration form for the appropriate week. This fee is non-refundable and does not reserve your group's spot after the March 1st pre-registration deadline is due.


  • Pre-Registration$15.00/person deposit that will be applied to the personal tuition of $190/person, owing only $175 upon arrival.

***These fees are non-refundable. Pre-Registration must be turned in with your registration information form by March 1st. If paid after March 1st, the cost per person will go up to $210!***

Forms and Payments may be submitted online or through the mail


  • ​A Personal Registration form for every person in attendance is required to complete registration upon arrival. You will pay the remainder of your registration cost for your whole group in one payment, upon arrival. You may pay with cash, check, or card (Card Processing Service Fee will be applied).


  • Underage Children: Our camper age is 9-19yrs. Please refer to the information above in regards to underage attendees. Underage children are only permitted to come if they are accompanied by a parent/guardian and are full price.

  • Incorrect Estimation Charge: If the pre-registration attendee # is off by more than 5 people (over or under) you will be charged $15.00 per extra camper/counselor over and $25 under the 5 person allowance. We plan meals and lodging according to estimated totals and turn away churches when the week is full. If the estimations are close, that week will be more enjoyable for everyone and not over-crowded or unnecessarily low. Keep us informed on number changes!


  • Tuition Discounts: Families with three or more immediate family members attending camp save $10.00 on the third family member and thereafter. The first two are full price.


  • Free Tuition:
    1. Registered Church’s Pastor and Pastor’s Wife

      2. Every 15 paying Campers/Counselors = the 16th Free!

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165 Christian Ranch Rd, Rose Bud, AR 72137

Phone: 501.556.5837,

©2018 by Nissi Worldwide

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